Aggregate: where to find data for running the example

I’m not able to find the data for running the example that is presented in

otbcli_Aggregate -in classification.tif -inseg labeled_image.tif -outim image_classification.tif -out vector_classification.shp

Could anyone point me to these data (or equivalent)?

You could use the following data from OTB repo:

  • -in : Data/Input/QB_Toulouse_Ortho_XS_6class_knn.tif
  • -inseg : `Data/Input/QB_Toulouse_ortho_labelImage.tif

These are the data used in the test corresponding to the application. But you can use any pair of classification/segmentation raster, as long as they have the same footprint.


ok, thanks. But I reiterate: it is very important for the user to be able to run the examples as written in the cookbook (what use would have for you a real cook book with recipes that require impossible ingredients?). This is the 1st step for the user to check if that tool is of interest to address his/her problem.