otbcli_ReadImageInfo does not write info to external geom file

Instead of using otbcli_ReadImageInfo (which appears to be broken), try otbcli_ExtractROI -in 2014_test.tif -out out.tif. It should generate the geom file.

I tried running the command and unfortunately it did not generate the geom file. Only the out.tif was created.


2021-05-18 16:57:55 (INFO) ExtractROI: Default RAM limit for OTB is 256 MB
2021-05-18 16:57:55 (INFO) ExtractROI: GDAL maximum cache size is 3203 MB
2021-05-18 16:57:55 (INFO) ExtractROI: OTB will use at most 56 threads
2021-05-18 16:57:55 (INFO): Estimated memory for full processing: 1152.31MB (avail.: 256 MB), optimal image partitioning: 5 blocks
2021-05-18 16:57:55 (INFO): File out.tif will be written in 6 blocks of 4097x1366 pixels
Writing out.tif...: 100% [**************************************************] (1s)

And with the extended filename ?

otbcli_ExtractROI -in 2014_test.tif?&writegeom=true

Adding ?&writegeom=true throws an error

otbcli_ExtractROI -in 2014_test.tif?&writegeom=true -out out.tif
[1] 2253

Command '-out' not found, did you mean:

  command 'gout' from deb scotch
  command 'lout' from deb lout

Try: sudo apt install <deb name>

ERROR: Missing mandatory parameter -out.

This is the ExtractROI application, version 7.2.0

Extract a ROI defined by the user.
Complete documentation: https://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/CookBook/Applications/app_ExtractROI.html or -help

(base) ashwin@ashwin-laptop:~/Desktop/Projects/changedet/data$         -in                <string>         Input Image  (mandatory, default value is 2014_test.tif?)
MISSING -out               <string> [pixel] Output Image  [pixel=uint8/uint16/int16/uint32/int32/float/double/cint16/cint32/cfloat/cdouble] (default value is float) (mandatory)
        -mode              <string>         Extraction mode [standard/fit/extent/radius] (mandatory, default value is standard)
        -mode.fit.im       <string>         Reference image  (mandatory)
        -mode.fit.vect     <string>         Reference vector  (mandatory)
        -mode.extent.ulx   <float>          X coordinate of the Upper left corner  (mandatory, default value is 0)
        -mode.extent.uly   <float>          Y coordinate of Upper Left corner point  (mandatory, default value is 0)
        -mode.extent.lrx   <float>          X coordinate of Lower Right corner point  (mandatory, default value is 1000)
        -mode.extent.lry   <float>          Y coordinate of Lower Right corner point  (mandatory, default value is 1000)
        -mode.extent.unit  <string>         Unit [pxl/phy/lonlat] (mandatory, default value is pxl)
        -mode.radius.r     <float>          Radius  (mandatory, default value is 499)
        -mode.radius.unitr <string>         Radius unit [pxl/phy] (mandatory, default value is pxl)
        -mode.radius.cx    <float>          X coordinate of the center  (mandatory, default value is 499)
        -mode.radius.cy    <float>          Y coordinate of the center  (mandatory, default value is 499)
        -mode.radius.unitc <string>         Center unit [pxl/phy/lonlat] (mandatory, default value is pxl)
        -startx            <int32>          Start X  (mandatory, default value is 0)
        -starty            <int32>          Start Y  (mandatory, default value is 0)
        -sizex             <int32>          Size X  (mandatory, default value is 1000)
        -sizey             <int32>          Size Y  (mandatory, default value is 1000)
        -cl                <string list>    Output Image channels  (mandatory, default value is channel1)
        -elev              <group>          Elevation management 
        -elev.dem          <string>         DEM directory  (optional, off by default)
        -elev.geoid        <string>         Geoid File  (optional, off by default)
        -elev.default      <float>          Default elevation  (mandatory, default value is 0)
        -ram               <int32>          Available RAM (MB)  (optional, off by default, default value is 256)
        -progress          <boolean>        Report progress 
        -help              <string list>    Display long help (empty list), or help for given parameters keys

Use -help param1 [... paramN] to see detailed documentation of those parameters.

otbcli_ExtractROI -in VegetationIndex.hd -mode extent -mode.extent.ulx 40 -mode.extent.uly 40 -mode.extent.lrx 150 -mode.extent.lry 150 -out ExtractROI.tif

My bad. The extended filename goes to the -out parameter…

otbcli_ExtractROI -in 2014_test.tif -out out.tif?&writegeom=true

Still no luck I’m afraid. Running
otbcli_ExtractROI -in 2014_test.tif -out out.tif?&writegeom=true

results in out.tif file being written and then hanging for some reason (I’m assuming resolving the ?&writegeom=true bit)

2021-05-18 21:09:14 (INFO) ExtractROI: GDAL maximum cache size is 1602 MB
2021-05-18 21:09:14 (INFO) ExtractROI: OTB will use at most 12 threads
2021-05-18 21:09:14 (INFO): Estimated memory for full processing: 68.4357MB (avail.: 256 MB), optimal image partitioning: 1 blocks
2021-05-18 21:09:14 (INFO): File out.tif will be written in 1 blocks of 1000x1000 pixels
Writing out.tif?...: 100% [**************************************************] (0s)
[1]+  Done                    /home/ashwin/Downloads/OTB-7.2.0-Linux64/bin/otbcli_ExtractROI -in 2014_test.tif -out out.tif?

It seems that Bash doesn’t like the & (it is interpreted as a “run it in background”, and what follows is ignored). To avoid this, write the parameter in quotes:

otbcli_ExtractROI -in 2014_test.tif -out "out.tif?&writegeom=true"

Now it’s gone back to just writing out.tif. Seems the writegeom is ignored.

$ otbcli_ExtractROI -in 2014_test.tif -out "out.tif?&writegeom=true"

2021-05-19 12:39:58 (INFO) ExtractROI: Default RAM limit for OTB is 256 MB
2021-05-19 12:39:58 (INFO) ExtractROI: GDAL maximum cache size is 3203 MB
2021-05-19 12:39:58 (INFO) ExtractROI: OTB will use at most 56 threads
2021-05-19 12:39:58 (INFO): Estimated memory for full processing: 1152.31MB (avail.: 256 MB), optimal image partitioning: 5 blocks
2021-05-19 12:39:58 (INFO): File out.tif will be written in 6 blocks of 4097x1366 pixels
Writing out.tif?&writegeom=true...: 100% [**************************************************] (1s)

Are you sure your image contains geometric metadata? What is the output of gdalinfo 2014_test.tif?

Output of gdalinfo 2014_test.tif

Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: 2014_test.tif
Size is 4097, 8193
Coordinate System is:
PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 39N",
        DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",
            ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
    CONVERSION["UTM zone 39N",
        METHOD["Transverse Mercator",
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",51,
        PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,
        PARAMETER["False easting",500000,
        PARAMETER["False northing",0,
        AREA["World - N hemisphere - 48°E to 54°E - by country"],
Data axis to CRS axis mapping: 1,2
Origin = (780670.000000000000000,2583956.000000000000000)
Pixel Size = (2.000000000000000,-2.000000000000000)
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (  780670.000, 2583956.000) ( 53d44'41.86"E, 23d20'28.30"N)
Lower Left  (  780670.000, 2567570.000) ( 53d44'30.96"E, 23d11'36.06"N)
Upper Right (  788864.000, 2583956.000) ( 53d49'30.09"E, 23d20'23.17"N)
Lower Right (  788864.000, 2567570.000) ( 53d49'18.87"E, 23d11'30.96"N)
Center      (  784767.000, 2575763.000) ( 53d47' 0.43"E, 23d15'59.64"N)
Band 1 Block=4097x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray
  NoData Value=0
  Overviews: 2049x4097
Band 2 Block=4097x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
  NoData Value=0
  Overviews: 2049x4097
Band 3 Block=4097x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
  NoData Value=0
  Overviews: 2049x4097

The image doesn’t seems to contain geometric metadata, so there is nothing to write in the geom file.
If the image doesn’t contain a Sensor Model, you won’t be able to run the RefineSensorModel application.

Hi @julienosman, in this context what do you mean by geometric metadata? I was assuming you were talking about the projection information but it seems that was incorrect. Could you give me an example? Maybe the output of gdalinfo for a tiff that has the metadata?

I ask because I have a lot of tiffs like this and want to know what is required to do Residual Registration on them?

Here is an example of metadata for a QUICKBIRD image (the one used in the recipe you are pointing at):

gdalinfo ~/QUICKBIRD/TOULOUSE/000000128955_01_P001_MUL/02APR01105228-M1BS-000000128955_01_P001.TIF

Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: QUICKBIRD/TOULOUSE/000000128955_01_P001_MUL/02APR01105228-M1BS-000000128955_01_P001.TIF
Size is 6876, 7265
Coordinate System is `'
GCP Projection = 
        SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
GCP[  0]: Id=1, Info=
          (0.5,0.5) -> (1.3544523884966,43.6633899110959,0)
GCP[  1]: Id=2, Info=
          (6875.5,0.5) -> (1.57254683562334,43.663858603131,0)
GCP[  2]: Id=3, Info=
          (6875.5,7264.5) -> (1.57224677372287,43.4879451348962,0)
GCP[  3]: Id=4, Info=
          (0.5,7264.5) -> (1.35617289802566,43.4876035537,0)
  TIFFTAG_COPYRIGHT=(C) COPYRIGHT 2002 EarthWatch Incorporated, Longmont CO USA 80501-6700
  TIFFTAG_DATETIME=2004:05:25 19:46:40
  bandList = 
Image Structure Metadata:
RPC Metadata:
  LINE_DEN_COEFF=+1.000000E+00 +3.073151E-05 +6.767593E-04 +2.759762E-04 +1.707011E-05 -4.215218E-07 -2.031982E-06 +6.281466E-06 -2.098686E-05 +1.091061E-05 +3.716818E-08 +5.435656E-08 -4.356190E-06 +1.090220E-08 +1.785190E-08 +4.342067E-04 +6.371344E-08 +0.000000E+00 -1.416592E-05 +1.653665E-08
  LINE_NUM_COEFF=-1.183432E-03 +1.540212E-03 -9.858373E-01 +1.594806E-02 +2.730892E-05 -9.785795E-07 +2.528461E-04 -7.762763E-04 +1.998298E-03 -5.855501E-06 -8.293341E-07 +4.496584E-08 +2.925877E-05 +0.000000E+00 -8.818227E-06 -4.465644E-05 -1.061420E-05 +4.172296E-07 -4.632173E-06 +1.915274E-07
  SAMP_DEN_COEFF=+1.000000E+00 +1.117681E-03 +2.334335E-03 -6.207135E-04 -5.962135E-05 +1.552717E-06 -1.840090E-06 -4.876876E-06 +3.158963E-05 -1.201072E-05 -1.579758E-07 -9.944747E-08 +1.942372E-06 +0.000000E+00 -8.945496E-08 -1.480163E-06 -6.008504E-08 +3.055564E-08 +1.110320E-07 +1.314046E-08
  SAMP_NUM_COEFF=-2.142200E-03 +1.003674E+00 +3.177080E-03 +2.667587E-04 -2.315384E-03 +6.203277E-04 -4.161892E-04 +1.035653E-03 -1.198854E-03 +7.437719E-06 +2.503507E-06 -2.185972E-05 -4.893912E-05 -1.149441E-05 +8.351017E-05 -7.642065E-05 -2.684169E-07 +2.340974E-08 +7.001246E-06 -3.846245E-08
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (    0.0,    0.0)
Lower Left  (    0.0, 7265.0)
Upper Right ( 6876.0,    0.0)
Lower Right ( 6876.0, 7265.0)
Center      ( 3438.0, 3632.5)
Band 1 Block=6876x76 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Red
  Overviews: 3438x3633, 1719x1817, 860x909, 430x455, 215x228, 108x114, 54x57, 27x29, 14x15, 7x8, 4x4, 2x2, 1x1
Band 2 Block=6876x76 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Green
  Overviews: 3438x3633, 1719x1817, 860x909, 430x455, 215x228, 108x114, 54x57, 27x29, 14x15, 7x8, 4x4, 2x2, 1x1
Band 3 Block=6876x76 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Blue
  Overviews: 3438x3633, 1719x1817, 860x909, 430x455, 215x228, 108x114, 54x57, 27x29, 14x15, 7x8, 4x4, 2x2, 1x1
Band 4 Block=6876x76 Type=UInt16, ColorInterp=Undefined
  Overviews: 3438x3633, 1719x1817, 860x909, 430x455, 215x228, 108x114, 54x57, 27x29, 14x15, 7x8, 4x4, 2x2, 1x1

This image contains RPC Metadata which are used to model the sensor.
Usually, once the geometric corrections are done, this model is not needed anymore, so it is removed from the image. If your images are already orthorectified, it is already registered, so you don’t really need to apply the Residual Registration on them.
In the recipe, the process is applied to a level1 Quickbird image. Most of the time, end users have access to level2 or level3 images, and don’t need to use this process.

1 Like

I see. That makes sense. Thanks for the detailed explanation.

Just to provide some context, my objective was to actually align two sets of images. One from 2014 and one from 2016 so that I can do Change Detection on them. However when I tried to do this via OTB, it said the images were not in the same physical space.

2021-05-20 13:28:54 (FATAL) MultivariateAlterationDetector: itk::ERROR: MultivariateAlterationDetectorImageFilter(0x7f0f9801fdb0): Inputs do not occupy the same physical space! 
InputImage Origin: [7.8067100e+05, 2.5839550e+06], InputImage_1 Origin: [7.7809500e+05, 2.5808890e+06]
	Tolerance: 2.0000000e-06

So I thought I had to co-register my images to make it work. We actually had a discussion previously here regarding a similar issue.

So if this is not the way to go, how can I prepare my two tiffs so that it will work with OTB’s change detection?

In the case of change detection, I would use SuperImpose to project one image into the other. Then, I could use FineRegistration to be sure the images are well registred (that’s probably what you wanted do do with RefineSensorModel).

Thanks for the tip @julienosman . I’ll try it out and get back to you. By the way is there some sort of guide on how best to configure FineRegistration parameters?

I have the same question as you

The FineRegistration documentation is not that bad. Did you gave a try?

It would be good to have a note stating what the args mean and how best to configure them. I was able to figure it out by posting it on gis stack exchange here

I ended up switching to AROSICS as it worked (more or less) out of the box.

1 Like

But the results of AROSICS are not accurately enought. Do you find the better way now?