
First, I want to introduce myself. I’m Antun from Croata and I studying geodesy in Univesity of Zagreb in Croatia. For my graduate thesis, I need to create OBIA classification with rule-based approach. But this ruled based approach must be done in open source software (I can’t use commercial program like ecognition or ENVI) and now I’m pretty sure desperated. I tried so many softwares but none haven’t rule based approach except INTERIMAGE but this program is limited on image resolution of 3000x3000 px and mine worldview2 have 6000x6000px.

And now, I read so many things about OTB (i read a lot of you cookbook and userGuide) and it is very nice software for OBIA classification (a lot of modules for feature extraction, textural or similar) and with this software it can be done so different classification but I really couldn’t find RULE BASED classification.

If this software has something like this, please can you said to me where I can found this function (module) or if he hadn’t please can you give me some other solution (some other software) , please I begging you for help!!

Sorry for my bad english,

With respect, Antun Jakopec


There is no formal framework in OTB for rule based classification(as far as I know). The closest method would be decision trees.
However, I think you could work something out using the BandMath (or BandMathX) applications. If you have all your features computed in a raster (for instance, all the pixels of an object have the same values), you can apply a custom formula to compute the rules output pixel-wise.