Default RAM limit

Hi there! I’m trying to use Segmentation in OTB with different settings to get optimal segments for a classification. so I’ve already have two .shp processed by “Segmentation”. However now it isn’t working anymore. I think it’s because of the memory capacity?
I’m using QGIS 3.22.9, Python 3.9.5, GDAL 3.51 and OTB 8.0.1. Could anybody check the protocol and please help me?


{ 'in' : 'E:/IP/Daten/DOP10/DOP10_gesamt.tif', 'filter' : 'meanshift', 'filter.meanshift.spatialr' : 5, 'filter.meanshift.ranger' : 15, 'filter.meanshift.thres' : 0.1, 'filter.meanshift.maxiter' : 100, 'filter.meanshift.minsize' : 2500, 'mode' : 'vector', 'mode.vector.out' : 'E:/IP/Daten/shp/segmentation_CIR_minimumregionsize2500.shp', 'mode.vector.outmode' : 'ulco', 'mode.vector.inmask' : None, 'mode.vector.neighbor' : True, 'mode.vector.stitch' : True, 'mode.vector.minsize' : 1, 'mode.vector.simplify' : 0.1, 'mode.vector.layername' : '', 'mode.vector.fieldname' : '', 'mode.vector.tilesize' : 1024, 'mode.vector.startlabel' : 1, 'mode.vector.ogroptions' : '', 'outputpixeltype' : 5 }

ERROR 1: Error in psSHP->sHooks.FWrite() while writing object of 6760 bytes to .shp file: No error

ERROR 1: Failure writing DBF record 14496.

ERROR 1: Failure writing .shp header: No error

2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO) Segmentation: Default RAM limit for OTB is 256 MB

2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO) Segmentation: GDAL maximum cache size is 405 MB

2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO) Segmentation: OTB will use at most 4 threads

2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO): Loading metadata from official product

2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO) Segmentation: Use threaded Mean-shift segmentation.

2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO) Segmentation: Use 8 connected neighborhood.

2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO) Segmentation: Simplify the geometry.

2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO) Segmentation: Large scale segmentation mode which output vector data

2022-08-22 20:04:22 (INFO): Estimation will be performed in 400 blocks of 1024x1024 pixels

2022-08-23 08:13:50 (FATAL) Segmentation: itk::ERROR: Cannot create a new feature in the layer <segmentation_CIR_minimumregionsize2500>: Error in psSHP->sHooks.FWrite() while writing object of 6760 bytes to .shp file: No error

Execution completed in 43770.33 Sekunden (12 Stunden 9 Minuten 30 Sekunden)


{'mode.vector.out': 'E:/IP/Daten/shp/segmentation_CIR_minimumregionsize2500.shp'}

Dear @Chi,

Did you try using another file format for your output? Maybe .sqlite or .gpkg?