ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_identify: Cannot find proj.db


Need help when using TrainVectorClassifier, as the result no output can be performed.

Loading resulting layers

Algorithm ‘TrainVectorClassifier’ finished

QGIS version: 3.26.0-Buenos Aires

QGIS code revision: 0aece2818e

Qt version: 5.15.3

Python version: 3.9.5

GDAL version: 3.5.0

GEOS version: 3.10.3-CAPI-1.16.1

PROJ version: Rel. 9.0.1, June 15th, 2022

PDAL version: 2.3.0 (git-version: e64939)

Algorithm started at: 2023-07-11T23:59:02

Algorithm ‘TrainVectorClassifier’ starting…

Input parameters:

{ ‘io.vd’ : [‘C:/02. My Workspace/99. Telecommunication/06. Remage/04. Java_Population_Density_Map Project/99. Training/98. Segmentation_Training/Segmentation_Iteration_100_Simplify_Poligons_10_JL.shp’], ‘io.stats’ : ‘’, ‘io.out’ : ‘TEMPORARY_OUTPUT’, ‘io.confmatout’ : ‘TEMPORARY_OUTPUT’, ‘layer’ : 0, ‘feat’ : [‘mean_0’,‘stdev_0’,‘max_0’,‘mean_1’,‘max_1’,‘mean_2’], ‘valid.vd’ : None, ‘valid.layer’ : 0, ‘cfield’ : ‘Class_ID’, ‘v’ : True, ‘classifier’ : ‘libsvm’, ‘classifier.libsvm.k’ : ‘linear’, ‘classifier.libsvm.m’ : ‘csvc’, ‘classifier.libsvm.c’ : 1, ‘classifier.libsvm.gamma’ : 1, ‘classifier.libsvm.coef0’ : 0, ‘’ : 3, ‘’ : 0.5, ‘classifier.libsvm.opt’ : False, ‘classifier.libsvm.prob’ : False, ‘rand’ : 0 }

ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_identify: Cannot find proj.db

ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_identify: Cannot find proj.db

ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_identify: Cannot find proj.db

2023-07-11 23:59:02 (FATAL) TrainVectorClassifier: itk::ERROR: FieldParameter(0000019B9654CA00): Value [‘mean_0’, ‘stdev_0’, ‘max_0’, ‘mean_1’, ‘max_1’, ‘mean_2’] not found in the list of choices: DN, count, mean_0, stdev_0, min_0, max_0, mean_1, stdev_1, min_1, max_1, mean_2, stdev_2, min_2, max_2, id, Class_ID.

Execution completed in 0.13 seconds


{‘io.confmatout’: ‘C:/Users/LENOVO/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_YQszkB/457eb403eed3426983351283aeb54746/io_confmatout.file’,
‘io.out’: ‘C:/Users/LENOVO/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_YQszkB/cf4320a8967f499fa3f7a40a3fd9cba8/io_out.file’}

Loading resulting layers

Algorithm ‘TrainVectorClassifier’ finished


Hi @resfiando

Where did you install OTB? Does the path contains spaces in it? It can lead to some weird issues such as PROJ DB not found

Let me know,
Best regards

Alternatively, if you have spaces in OTB install path, can you try modifying the otbenv.bat file, and put set PROJ_LIB="%CURRENT_SCRIPT_DIR%share\proj" instead of the same line without the quotes ?