Hi everyone, please help me with the error i encountered with when i was trying to create the training model and classification, please see the attached error notes in the screenshot

The Usage category is meant to discuss about OTB usage. You are welcome to ask questions about OTB installation and compilation, OTB applications, OTB Python environment, OTB-QGIS plugin, and other topic related to the Orfeo Toolbox.

Before posting, please:

  • look for similar issues on this forum. For example, you could search for the error message you get, or the name of the application you are using.
  • If you did not already, consider searching / reading the CookBook.
  • Take the time to say Hi, and be friendly :heart:

In order to receive the help you need, you will have to give us some information and details about the context and what you are trying to achieve. To assist you in the writing of you question, use this template, and replace the texts written in italic with what correspond to your situation.

:arrow_double_up: After reading and understanding this, you may delete that part of the text :arrow_double_up:


Explain briefly what you are trying to do

Configuration setup

My system: Windows10, macOS, Debian 9?
Version of the OTB: 7.1/8.0?
I installed the OTB with: the binaries, the Debian package management, the SuperBuild, other?

If relevant, you may also provide:
QGIS version: 3.10.8, 3.14?
Python version: 3.5, 3.8?

Description of my issue

This is where you give details on what you are trying to achieve, describe the different steps you took, and the results you obtained. Don’t hesitate to share input parameters, logs and error messages, ether with a text file or a screenshot, or directly included using backticks like this:
My error message


it looks like you have some spaces in your path, windows does not handle correctly paths with spaces, can you put the " " for your path ? example “C:/Users…work folder/STATS/matrix.xml” or rename the folder “work folder” by “work_folder”

Let me know

Hello Thibaut.romain
I will try it thank you so much.