LargeScaleMeanShift memory error

I am trying to run Large scale mean shift but am getting memory error.

Input Image dimensions
Width: 10980
Height: 10980
Bands: 1
Resolution: 10m

Machine config:
Cores: 10

spatialr = 5
ranger = 0.15
minsize = 10
tilesizex = 2048
tilesizex = 2048

The error happens at the compute stats on input image stage.

Are there any settings to ensure that the process runs smoothly within the given RAM config without giving memory errors ?


It’s quite astonishing that you have a memory explosion with a 50GB memory on your machine, especially as the purpose of the algo is to process large-scale images. What is the exact error? Do you run the command in the graphical interface on Qgis or directly on the command line?

Best regards