LargeScaleMeanshift settings


Explain briefly what you are trying to do

I want to use LargeScaleMeanShift and subsequently vector classifier to classify marine habitats in high resolution satellite imagery

Configuration setup

My system**: Windows10
Version of the OTB: 8.1.2
I installed the OTB with: Windows zip file

Description of my issue

The LargeScaleMeanShift doesn’t seem to be detecting the darker areas shown in the image below. I’ve tried to run the algorithm using the following settings:

spatial radius: 5
range size: 15
Minimum Segment Size: 5

spatial radius: 5
range size: 5
Minimum Segment Size: 5

However the darker areas I’ve highlighted in red below aren’t being detected.

Can I get some advice on values to use in the settings that will detect these?

Did you try to increase spatial radius?
let’s say,
spatial_radius = 100
range_radius = 5

Thanks. Sorry I didn’t see your response. In the end I got the result I required using a small spatial and range radius than that which I initially selected.