The recent news showed an increasing interest for the chains base on the Orfeo Toolbox:
- MAJA becomes open source
- New version of S1Tiling
- Images produced by WASP used by a French TV news
It could be interesting to create new categories to this forum, so the users of this chains could have a common contact point with the maintainers/developers.
I see two approaches for this:
- We create one category for each chain, and the chain’s maintainer can add sub-caterogies according to their needs.
- We create one main category OTB Chains, and one sub-category for each chain. The maintainer then uses tags to organize topics.
In my opinion, the second option is more interesting:
- More flexible (tags are a good way to organize topics)
- The main category can be used for topics concerning multiple chains
- More clear (All the chains are well identified as OTB chain)
I would be happy to have your opinion. And if you have any other idea, don’t hesitate to share it
- I prefer proposition 1 (1 category by chain)
- I prefer proposition 2 (1 category and 1 sub-category by chain)
- I have an other idea (share it in the comments)
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