I have tested the Ortorectification module of Orfeotoolbox 9.0.0, but I have some problems with different images. In detail:
- for the projected Pleides/SPOT6 products (PRJ images) the output is equal to the input image, no SRTM (30m) contribution in the process. On the other hand, the ortorectification of projected GeoEye-1 and WorldView-3 images (2AS product) with SRTM 30m, adding the extended file name “?&skipcarto=true” generates ortorectified images.
- the ortorectification of QuickBird imagery (M2AS and M1BS products) does not function.
I have undestrand that the extended file name “?&skipcarto=true” is necessary when the image is projected on average height, infact it is necessary when I want to ortorectified the P2AS products but for the M2AS products the usage does not solved the problem, module generates an error itk::ERROR: ImageToGenericRSOutputParameters(0xc37520): No information in the metadata, please set an image with non empty metadata.
Same error is generated for the QuickBird M1BS products.
I would like to analise the source code to undestand the problems and to add the ortorectification of new sensors, but I gitlab I don’t find the ortorectification module, inside Core module.
Thank you in advance