I have tested the Ortorectification module of Orfeotoolbox 9.0.0, but I have some problems with different images. In detail:
- for the projected Pleides/SPOT6 products (PRJ images) the output is equal to the input image, no SRTM (30m) contribution in the process. On the other hand, the ortorectification of projected GeoEye-1 and WorldView-3 images (2AS product) with SRTM 30m, adding the extended file name “?&skipcarto=true” generates ortorectified images.
- the ortorectification of QuickBird imagery (M2AS and M1BS products) does not function.
I have undestrand that the extended file name “?&skipcarto=true” is necessary when the image is projected on average height, infact it is necessary when I want to ortorectified the P2AS products but for the M2AS products the usage does not solved the problem, module generates an error itk::ERROR: ImageToGenericRSOutputParameters(0xc37520): No information in the metadata, please set an image with non empty metadata.
Same error is generated for the QuickBird M1BS products.
I would like to analise the source code to undestand the problems and to add the ortorectification of new sensors, but I gitlab I don’t find the ortorectification module, inside Core module.
Thank you in advance
Hi Francesca,
The start point of the Orthorectification module is here Modules/Core/Applications/app/otbOrthoRectification.cxx · develop · Main Repositories / otb · GitLab .
Note the we support QuickBird images only in tif format (Supported file formats — Orfeo ToolBox 9.1.0 documentation).
Also try the develop version (Index of /packages/ci/latest) , maybe it solve your problem.
What is your complete output log ?
Best regards
Dear Tristan,
thank you for the info regards the Ortorectification module, it requires a lot of study time :).
The QuickBird images used is in tif format.
Following the command and the complete output log for QB M1BS imagery:
OTB_LOGGER_LEVEL=DEBUG otbcli_OrthoRectification -io.in 05MAY21102052-M1BS-052158961020_01_P001.TIF -io.out 05MAY21102052-M1
BS-052158961020_01_P001_ortho.TIF -elev.dem n41_e012_1arc_v3.tif -elev.geoid egm96.grd
2025-02-12 09:59:44 (INFO) OrthoRectification: Elevation management: setting default height above ellipsoid to 0 meters
2025-02-12 09:59:44 (DEBUG): Found attached file : 05MAY21102052-M1BS-052158961020_01_P001.IMD
2025-02-12 09:59:44 (DEBUG): Found attached file : 05MAY21102052-M1BS-052158961020_01_P001.RPB
2025-02-12 09:59:44 (DEBUG): Found attached file : QB/Roma/05MAY21102052-M1BS-052158961020_01_P001.XML
2025-02-12 09:59:44 (INFO): Loading metadata from official product
2025-02-12 09:59:44 (DEBUG) OrthoRectification: Caught itk::ExceptionObject during application execution:
2025-02-12 09:59:44 (DEBUG) OrthoRectification: …/Modules/Core/Transform/include/otbImageToGenericRSOutputParameters.hxx:52:
itk::ERROR: ImageToGenericRSOutputParameters(0x18330a0): No information in the metadata, please set an image with non empty metadata
2025-02-12 09:59:44 (FATAL) OrthoRectification: itk::ERROR: ImageToGenericRSOutputParameters(0x18330a0): No information in the metadata, please set an image with non empty metadata
2025-02-12 09:59:44 (DEBUG): file …/Modules/Core/IO/IOGDAL/src/otbDEMHandler.cxx, line 453, 140444070091072 § DEMHandler::destructor()
2025-02-12 09:59:44 (DEBUG): file …/Modules/Core/IO/IOGDAL/src/otbDEMHandler.cxx, line 467, 140444070091072 § DEMHandler::destructor() END
Following the command and the complete output log for QB M2AS imagery:
OTB_LOGGER_LEVEL=DEBUG otbcli_OrthoRectification -io.in “05MAY21102054-M2AS-052158961010_01_P001.TIF?&skipcarto=true” -io.out 05MAY21102054-M2AS-052158961010_01_P001_ortho.TIF -elev.dem n41_e012_1arc_v3.tif -elev.geoid egm96.grd
2025-02-12 10:36:16 (INFO) OrthoRectification: Elevation management: setting default height above ellipsoid to 0 meters
2025-02-12 10:36:16 (DEBUG): Found attached file : 05MAY21102054-M2AS-052158961010_01_P001.IMD
2025-02-12 10:36:16 (DEBUG): Found attached file : 05MAY21102054-M2AS-052158961010_01_P001.RPB
2025-02-12 10:36:16 (DEBUG): Found attached file : 05MAY21102054-M2AS-052158961010_01_P001.XML
2025-02-12 10:36:16 (INFO): Loading metadata from official product
2025-02-12 10:36:16 (DEBUG) OrthoRectification: Caught itk::ExceptionObject during application execution:
2025-02-12 10:36:16 (DEBUG) OrthoRectification: …/Modules/Core/Transform/include/otbImageToGenericRSOutputParameters.hxx:52:
itk::ERROR: ImageToGenericRSOutputParameters(0x18d8f00): No information in the metadata, please set an image with non empty metadata
2025-02-12 10:36:16 (FATAL) OrthoRectification: itk::ERROR: ImageToGenericRSOutputParameters(0x18d8f00): No information in the metadata, please set an image with non empty metadata
2025-02-12 10:36:16 (DEBUG): file …/Modules/Core/IO/IOGDAL/src/otbDEMHandler.cxx, line 453, 140210541476160 § DEMHandler::destructor()
2025-02-12 10:36:16 (DEBUG): file …/Modules/Core/IO/IOGDAL/src/otbDEMHandler.cxx, line 467, 140210541476160 § DEMHandler::destructor() END
Th errors are the same, I don’t have an error for the ortorectification of P1BS and P2AS.The problems seem be for the QuickBird Multispectral imagery.
Thank you