The OTB Provider plugin is now available on QGis plugin catalog. Since QGis version 3.36, the plugin previously packaged is no longer in QGis package.
To use OTB with QGis 3.36 you need to install plugin from QGis plugin catalog (“Extensions menu –> Install/Manage Exteansions” and type OTB in not-installed tab). Then follow plugin settings instructions available on Cookbook.
We welcome your feedback and requests on plugin’s GitLab and if you find a bug, please report it!
Hi I tried it, does not work many tools unavailable due to OTB missing error despite new plugin being installed in QGIS 3.36. Also why did you guys drop mac support it was working for version 8.1.2 in QGIS 3.34 on the M2.
Could you please reinstate mac support or at least allow optional gui support on Mac.
This is an invaluable plugin in QGIS extremely disappointed that the core plugin was discontinued.
Thank you in advance. 
The M1/M2 architecture is based on ARM chips, which has to be supported by all the libs OTB depends on. we are using about 10 dependencies such as libGeoTIFF, libGeos, libOpenJPeg … at least 4 of those dependencies does not compile on ARM architecture.
The fact that it was working on your mac with 8.1.2 is that the package was compiled for Intel Macs, and Apple has done a trick in MacOS to translate the instructions from x86 to ARM to keep using softwares compatible only with intel chips. This introduces an additional layer of potential bugs not related to OTB with this Rosetta system. We explained the drop of the mac support in the release notes, it was a pain to maintain because of the drop of the intel architecture by Apple, we had to stick to an outdated version of MacOS which is not secure. Please remember that it is an opensource software and you are welcome to contribute if you want to 
This article explains that the upcoming MacOS release this year will totally disable support for Intel chips. MacOS 15 drop intel support
For OTB 9 the docker image is working well for cli usage.
If you use QGIS 3.36 with otb 8.1.2 it may work (not sure because of the Rosetta system), but for OTB 9 the only option is using the docker image. In that docker image you can install QGIS and use it (docker run the image and then “apt install qgis” as the docker image is based on ubuntu). this method was working well with the docker image and otb 8.1.2 in ARM Macs. the docker image is available here with explanation on how to launch gui programs
Have a nice day,
Best regards