I am using OTB with Qgis to make TOC calibration for Pleiade images.
I get a result of a white and black image (white = 10 000 and black = 0). I checked the parameters from the DIM file, it seems to be correct i also tried to correct gain and bias text file but i have the same problem every time.
Some one had the same problem?
Thank you
Here is the output of the opticalCalibration :
2023-01-02 12:04:27 (INFO): Loading metadata from official product
2023-01-02 12:04:27 (INFO) OpticalCalibration:
File: /home/fouzai/extraction_tissu_urbain/Macapa/DINAMIS-2020-219-P013-IRD-Claire-TEILLET_P16-P17IRDClaireTEILLET_SO21032622-10-01_DS_PHR1B_202108041352594_FR1_PX_W052N00_1101_02258/5869544101/IMG_PHR1B_MS_002/IMG_PHR1B_MS_202108041352594_ORT_5869544101-2_R1C1.TIF
Sensor detected: PHR 1B
Parameters extract from input image:
Acquisition Day: 4
Acquisition Month: 8
Acquisition Year: 2021
Acquisition Sun Elevation Angle: 60.5596
Acquisition Sun Azimuth Angle: 53.3844
Acquisition Viewing Elevation Angle: 82.3823
Acquisition Viewing Azimuth Angle: 104.527
Solar Irradiance (per band): 1912 1835.6 1547.8 1041.4
2023-01-02 12:04:27 (INFO) OpticalCalibration: Default RAM limit for OTB is 256 MB
2023-01-02 12:04:27 (INFO) OpticalCalibration: GDAL maximum cache size is 1593 MB
2023-01-02 12:04:27 (INFO) OpticalCalibration: OTB will use at most 12 threads
2023-01-02 12:04:27 (INFO) OpticalCalibration: Using Acquisition gain from image metadata (per band): [0.00226612, 0.00237367, 0.00258993, 0.00384523]
2023-01-02 12:04:27 (INFO) OpticalCalibration: Using Acquisition bias from image metadata (per band): [29.3243, 16.8227, 8.22218, 2.05661]
2023-01-02 12:04:27 (INFO) OpticalCalibration: Compute Top of Canopy reflectance
2023-01-02 12:04:27 (INFO) OpticalCalibration: Atmospheric correction parameters compute by 6S :
AtmosphericCorrectionParameters (0x1c4c940)
Atmospheric pressure : 1030
Water vapor amount : 2.5
Ozone amount : 0
Aerosol model : 0
Aerosol optical : 0.2
AtmosphericRadiativeTerms (0x1b21320)
4 channels:
Channel 0 :
Intrinsic Atmospheric Reflectance : 0.0589085
Shperical Albedo of the Atmosphere : 0.114269
Total Gaseous Transmission : 0.997243
Atmosphere Downward Transmittance : 0.916143
Atmosphere Upward Transmittance : 0.916143
Upward Diffuse Transmittance : 0.0577645
Upward Direct Transmittance : 0.858378
Rayleigh Upward Diffuse Transmittance : 0.070597
Aerosols Upward Diffuse Transmittance : 0
Wavelength : 0.4975
Channel 1 :
Intrinsic Atmospheric Reflectance : 0.0376276
Shperical Albedo of the Atmosphere : 0.0825875
Total Gaseous Transmission : 0.989152
Atmosphere Downward Transmittance : 0.953119
Atmosphere Upward Transmittance : 0.953119
Upward Diffuse Transmittance : 0.0463386
Upward Direct Transmittance : 0.906781
Rayleigh Upward Diffuse Transmittance : 0.046382
Aerosols Upward Diffuse Transmittance : 0
Wavelength : 0.5525
Channel 2 :
Intrinsic Atmospheric Reflectance : 0.0184259
Shperical Albedo of the Atmosphere : 0.0433614
Total Gaseous Transmission : 0.968022
Atmosphere Downward Transmittance : 0.974533
Atmosphere Upward Transmittance : 0.974533
Upward Diffuse Transmittance : 0.0223144
Upward Direct Transmittance : 0.952218
Rayleigh Upward Diffuse Transmittance : 0.0238868
Aerosols Upward Diffuse Transmittance : 0
Wavelength : 0.6625
Channel 3 :
Intrinsic Atmospheric Reflectance : 0.00679034
Shperical Albedo of the Atmosphere : 0.0173346
Total Gaseous Transmission : 0.893139
Atmosphere Downward Transmittance : 0.990641
Atmosphere Upward Transmittance : 0.990641
Upward Diffuse Transmittance : 0.00863156
Upward Direct Transmittance : 0.982009
Rayleigh Upward Diffuse Transmittance : 0.00871169
Aerosols Upward Diffuse Transmittance : 0
Wavelength : 0.84
2023-01-02 12:04:27 (INFO) OpticalCalibration: Compute adjacency effects
2023-01-02 12:04:27 (INFO) OpticalCalibration: Clamp values between [0, 100]
2023-01-02 12:04:27 (INFO) OpticalCalibration: Use milli-reflectance
2023-01-02 12:04:27 (INFO): Estimated memory for full processing: 14013.9MB (avail.: 256 MB), optimal image partitioning: 55 blocks
2023-01-02 12:04:27 (INFO): File /tmp/processing_VdZQeX/3a9e99a2c3cb428781d33718157f19c6/out.tif will be written in 30 blocks of 7680x256 pixels
Writing /tmp/processing_VdZQeX/3a9e99a2c3cb428781d33718157f19c6/out.tif…: 100% [**************************************************] (10s)
Execution completed in 11.51 secondes
Résultats :
{‘out’: ‘/tmp/processing_VdZQeX/3a9e99a2c3cb428781d33718157f19c6/out.tif’}
Chargement des couches de résultat
Algorithme ‘OpticalCalibration’ terminé