Dear all,
The OTB User Days 2024 will be held from November 21th to November 22th in Toulouse, France.
The program is not settled yet, but it is likely to be :
- On mornings, a conference focused on OTB and it’s usages.
- On afternoons, a brainstorming about some subjects related to OTB and talking about the roadmap of the project, and the organization of the priorities.
You can expect the registration form and the call for conference to come soon.
We are looking forward to see you there.
As promised, the registration form is now available.
This form helps us organize the event, as we need to know who is planning to come. If you want to present your work related to the Orfeo Toolbok, don’t hesitate to tell us in the form. This year, we are planning to make it possible to present remotely, so if you can’t make it to Toulouse you can still present your work.
For organization purpose, the registration will close on October 31th 2024.
The place selected for the Users Days had an issue with the dates we booked. So we have to change the dates of the OTB Users Days. We know this is not comfortable, and we apologize for the inconvenience.
So, the OTB Users Days will be hold on November 21th and 22th, at Artilect Fablab, in Toulouse.
Julien Osman 
The program for the Users Days is now available in this blog article.
The OTB Users Days are about to start. You can follow them live at this addresse : OTB Users Days