OTBTF - cannot read *.gpkg file generated from osm-multipolygons

Hello! I’m trying to do an image segmentation using OTBTF.

Configuration setup:

  • Windows10
  • Docker Image mdl4eo/otbtf3.0:cpu-basic
  • QGIS version: 3.16.8

When I’m rasterizing a *.gpkg vector layer, it says:
Rasterization: itk::ERROR: Failed to open GDALDataset file buildings_.gpkg : disk I/O error: this file is a WAL-enabled database. It cannot be opened because it is presumably read-only or in a read-only directory.

What might be causing the problem?

Solved at github.
Close any software where dataset might be used (e.g. QGIS) or simply disable layer before running rasterization command.