CNES and CS Group FRANCE are glad to announce a second release candidate for S1Tiling 1.1 .
Handling of thermal noise removal of Sentinel-1 IPF 2.90+ products has fixed since RC1.
Version 1.1 integrates 3 main improvements:
- it can support DEM from any sources (Copernicus DEM, RGE Alti DEM…),
- it supports OTB 9 applications (while staying backward compatible up to OTB 7.4.2),
- it improves the quality and the processing performances of LIA/NORMLIM calibration.
You can obtain it on pypi S1Tiling · PyPI through an explicit installation of s1tiling==1.1.0rc2
, or you can use it through a docker ready to run. Dockers come in two flavours: one based on OTB 9.0.0 and one based on the older OTB 7.4.1. CNES users will just need to load module s1tiling/1.1.0rc2-otb9.0.0
on TREX.
Finally, for those who wish to install it manually on top of their OTB installation, some helper scripts are provided as well.
For more information about the changes, you can consult the release notes .