StartMaja 4.5 GIPP downloads

Hi all,

I’ve just installed MAJA 4.5 and I am trying to launch it with StartMaja.
During the initialization of the process, it tries to download the GIPP files issuing the following command:

wget --retry-connrefused --waitretry=1 --read-timeout=20 --timeout=15 -O /DATA/tmp/tmpup8sr5wz -nv

The host seems not to answer… I tried going to the maja-gipp URL referenced on GitHub - CNES/MAJA: Level-2A processor used for atmospheric correction and cloud-detection. The active repository is the one below, this one is kept to leave access to the older issues. and it gave me a timeout as well.



Hi Sébastien,

Thanks for reporting this issue here :slight_smile: We changed the maja-gipp URL because the host didn’t answer anymore, the new repository is: maja / maja-gipp · GitLab. MAJA 4.5.2 (which is coming soon…) will include this correction.
By the way, I advise you to use the gitlab repository - is our main development platform now - rather than github.

Kind regards,

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Thanks a lot for the quick answer. I retrieved the latest StartMaja from gitlab. MAJA itself, I installed from the binary found at, I hope it’s ok :slight_smile:

I will certainly post another topic because I am in the process of migrating from Maja 3.3 to Maja 4.5 and it seems to be be a few changes (for instance in the directory structure of the products)