There are three ways to compile a remote module, if it follows the template (which is not the case here):
- Compile it inside an build tree : copy the remote module in otb sources in
and build OTB with the Cmake option ModuleMyRemoteModule=ON
and build otb.
- Compile it as an external module against an OTB build tree. Build OTB sources, and then build the remote module as a cmake project and give the path of the build tree with the
- Build against an install tree (from example the binary packages), same as above, but you need to set the Cmake option
to ON.
In the last case, to build a remote module named MyRemoteModule
you would do :
#get the source
git clone MyRemoteModule.git
mkdir build && cd build
# Cmake configuration step
cmake ..\MyRemoteModule -DCMake_Build_Type="Release" -DCMake_Prefix_Path="Path\To\OTBBinaries" -DCMake_Install_Prefix="D:\OTB\install" -G"NMake Makefiles"
# Build and install steps
nmake install
is a remote module, but it is packaged with OTB binaries, this is why you can find it in the binaries.
otb-bv depends on TemporalGapFilling and Phenology. As I stated in my previous message, OTBPhenology cannot be built outside of a build tree (solution 1 above). You could try to modify CMake files to make it work. However I think the easiest way to compile otb-bv is to recompile otb. I just tried and managed to build it with MSVC 2019, with a few modifications to the sources (the module is not maintained anymore). Here are the steps I used (you need to have tools like git, Cmake, MSVC installed) :
# First step : go to a otb binary installation dir and uninstall otb. This will leave an xdk that you can use to compile otb. I think this is the easiest way to obtain all otb dependencies on Windows.
cd Path\To\OTBBinaryDIR
# Set %WORKING_DIR% where you want to download and build otb
# Clone otb sources into %WORKING_DIR%\otb.
git clone https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/remote_modules/remote-module-template.git
mkdir build
mkdir install
cd build
# CMake command, here I used NMake, but you can use other build system. OTB is tested on WIndows with the Ninja build system.
# This will build the default module and TemporalGapFilling, Phenology and BioVars (otb-bv).
#If you want to build other module (other applications, or python wrapper, gui ...) you can use cmake gui to tune the configuration
The CMake command will download the remote modules in otb\Modules\Remote.
Here i had to make a few patches to the sources :
- In Phenology sources, otb\Module\Remote\OTBPhenology\app\otbSigmoFitting.cxx : remove
l53 http://tully.ups-tlse.fr/jordi/phenotb/blob/master/app/otbSigmoFitting.cxx#L53
This method has been removed in OTB 7.0.0
- In otb-bv sources, in otb\Module\Remote\OTBBioVars\include\otbMultiLinearRegressionModel.h l146, replace by :
TargetSampleType DoPredict(const InputSampleType& input, ConfidenceValueType* quality = nullptr, ProbaSampleType* proba = nullptr) const override
The function signature has changed in the base class
I had to make two additionnal fixes, but you might not need them, depending on your configuration (MSVC version principally) :
- OTBTemporalGapFilling : the remote module could not find GSL libraries, adding OTBGSL to the module depency fixed it for me. In otb\Module\Remote\OTBTemporalGapFilling\otb-module.cmak you need to add OTBGSL to the dependencies, the file should be :
set(DOCUMENTATION "Time series gapfilling.")
# OTB_module() defines the module dependencies in GapFilling
# GapFilling depends on OTBCommon and OTBApplicationEngine
# The testing module in GapFilling depends on OTBTestKernel
# and OTBCommandLine
# define the dependencies of the include module and the tests
- I think this will only happen if you use MSVC 2019, in otb\Modules\ThirdParty\OssimPlugins\src\ossim\AlosPalsar\AlosPlasarData.h line 30 you should add the include :
#include <iostream>
You might no need it depending on your configuration. This is a bug that will be fixed, it has been noticed on linux on recent compilers (gcc 10)
Once you patched the files you can run :
nmake install
And the module should compile (hopefully)