Hello Thibaut,
Thank you for your reply but, sorry, I didn’t understand it.
What initial configuration (folders installed) are you starting from?
You say you start with the CMakeLists in the SuperBuild folder, then call the make OTB_DEPENDS target, which builds all OTB dependencies and installs them in the “xdk” folder.
In the Windows environment, the SuperBuild folder (installed on my computer at C:\OTB\otb\SuperBuild) is the result of the installation of binary packages for Windows (version OTB-8.1.2-Win64 for my part) for which only the dependencies necessary for installation from source are kept using the tool tools/uninstall_otb.bat?
Do these necessary dependencies make up what you call the xdk (Installation — Orfeo ToolBox 9.0.0 documentation)?
For my part, these binary dependencies can be found in a folder named C:\OTB\OTB-8.1.2-Win64
I don’t understand what make OTB_DEPENDS is, which builds all the necessary OTB dependencies and installs them in an xdk folder (in your case located in C:/build/otb/xdk). It’s a Cmake command that calls the Windows binary dependencies and installs them in the xdk folder? In my case, I thought that the C:\OTB\OTB-8.1.2-Win64 folder acted as the xdk since it contains most of the dependencies needed for OTB.
In the following lines, I summarize the name and tree structure of my installation folders, as well as the location of the necessary dependencies:
C:\OTB\otb → sources and SuperBuid installation folder
C:\OTB\build → folder for intermediate objects, CMake-specific files, libraries and binaries.
C:\OTB\install → the OTB installation directory once it has been built.
Initially, most OTB dependencies (ITK, Boost, gdal, curl, gsl, libsvm, muparser, opencv, shark, tiff, tinyxml) are located in my C:\OTB\OTB-8.1.2-Win64 folder.
I’ve installed MSYS2 and pkg_config.exe is in C:\msys64\ucrt64\bin.
numpy is in the C:\msys64\ucrt64\include\python3.11\numpy folder
SWIG is in C:/swigwin-4.2.0/swigwin-4.2.0/
I tried to configure it using the command you gave me and the installation of my folders. The Cmake configuration didn’t give me any particular error except for the GDAL test. I had to set the GDAL_CONFIG_CHECKING:BOOL=OFF parameter to get no more configuration errors.
How to leave GDAL_CONFIG_CHECKING:BOOL=ON without getting an error message?
However, I don’t know how to configure pkg_config and numpy by command lines (I can do it through the Cmake GUI). What are the cmake commands for these parameters, or are they detected automatically?
Here’s my configuration
Cmake_configOTB_3.txt (17.5 KB)
After nmake install, I have an error message at 77%
nmake_installOTB_4.txt (962 Bytes)
What is the difference between the “DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=” command and the
“DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=” command? Should they be configured similarly?
In my case, according to the names of my folders, If I understood, I should configure the command
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,