What is "User defined input centroids"?

Copy paste of my answer in this post :


I’m assuming you are using OTB through QGIS, as I can only reproduce your produce using the QGIS plugin.

I think this is a bug, this parameter should only be available when using the kmeans algorithm (the result of this algorithm are dependent on the initial centroids) and should not be mandatory anyway. I will make a fix in OTB. In the meantime you have two workaround :

  1. Set a value to the “User definied input centroids” (any string will work). The application should start correctly, and the parameter will be ignored, you should have the following log :
WARNING: Parameter -classifier.sharkkm.centroids.in will be ignored because -classifier is libsvm.
  1. Use another wrapper (monteverdi, command line, python …). I think this bug only applies on the QGIS plugin.

Hope that helps,